Sunday, May 11, 2008

11 more fish added

The 29th of April 2008 was a gorgeous, calm sea-ed, blue sky-ed day; perfect for snorkelling in the first part of the morning before the sun became overwhelming. Sapi Island has some lovely snorkelling and sure enough, I was able to turn up 10 more species of fish. Some of these - particularly the Needlefish and Moonyfish around the jetty - were unsurprising since I knew they were there and hadn't seen them elsewhere but hadn't previously photographed them. Some of the shallower species which are encountered less often in a dive were on good display too (such as the Stethojulis representatives), so I have updated photos for a few species too.

The recent business of sorting through my photos has also drawn my attention to a previously unrecognised species (Rhabdamia cypselurus) in a photo from back in November 2007. So in total, I have now reached, and uploaded, 300 fish species descriptions in Tunku Abdul Rahman Park!

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